Last weekend on Memorial Day, my mom turned 50! We started off the weekend right Saturday afternoon all us girls went and got pedicures (unfortunately I was really bad about getting pictures until Monday). That night I hosted a surprise party for my mom (it ended up being a huge success and she really was surprised, she about jumped through the roof). Someone got a video and I will have to get a copy of that later, so I can post it. I was really pleased with the way it turned out, with help all the food was home made and I was told that people thought it was catered...woo-hoo!
I put together a chocolate fountain for dessert

We had a martini mashed potato bar, unfortunately I didn't think to take pictures before people started digging in. I also made marinated Greek olives, sweet Thai chicken wings, stuffed mushrooms, and spinach and artichoke dip.

As I said, I was really bad about getting pictures, this is at the end of the night

Our good friends the Mueller's came in to spend the weekend with us...they were a huge help for the party. Thanks guys!

On Monday we celebrated mom's actual birthday/Memorial day...Drew enjoyed the day outside napping!

We all enjoyed the warm weather out by the pool, Kathy and my mom

Buttercup spent the day soaking wet yipping at all the people in the pool...she really liked biting at the water when people were splashing her. The low of the day for her was when she fell in the pool. She talks a big game, but she really doesn't like water.