Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Birthday Girls

This month our sweet baby girl turned 8! How is that possible? It seems like just yesterday we brought our little puppy home. She definitely brings such joy to our life. Buttercup always has a smile on her face, she loves to snuggle, and she is very dainty and proper. We love her to pieces and we can't imagine life without her.

Baby Buttercup at 12 weeks when we brought her home

Now eight years later

Last week our little Lily girl turned one and it's been a quick year. Lily is full of energy and love. She follows me around everywhere. She loves affection and attention, she is quite the jealous dog when her sister is getting some love. She is my little cuddler and instigater, she enjoys antagonizing her big sis. She is definitely a great addition to our family and Buttercup loves her too!

Little Lily 

Now one year 

She's so grown up


Christine said...

So cute as puppies! (And as adults of course, but puppies are just a tad cuter.)

The Aggie Gardners said...

Totally agree...that's why people get them and also why they survive the destructive puppy phase (we always said their cuteness save them).