Friday, August 12, 2011

Five on Friday

I have seen a lot of sites on Fridays that have a five on Friday, be it 5 questions or 5 random thoughts. I figured I would give it a try and do a combination...I make no guarantees that this will be a weekly thing (although I will try my best) here we go, I will give it a whirl!

This weeks focus will be on MOVIES:

1. What is your favorite movie ever?
2. What movie have you seen most recently in theaters, did you like it?
3. What is your favorite genre?
4. Do you have a favorite actor/actress that you have to see in movies?
5. ...if so who?

My answers:
1. The Princess Bride
2. Transformers: The Dark of the Moon...YES!
3. Chick flicks/ comedy (although I do like Marvel Comic movies)
4. Not really
5. ... but I do like Johnny Depp in Pirates

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