Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Church Has Left The Building

 Each year our church has an event called Sharefest, it is a time when all the Life Groups in the church get together and help out in the community. There are groups that help with homes in the city who have code violations and can't afford the repairs themselves, groups help at the salvation army organizing donations, and groups that help out at any other place that needs help in the 10 mile radius around our church. Our life group got to help out at the Heritage Farmstead Museum. It was a very neat place and the kids loved coming to help out too, because they got to see all the farm animals.

Here is the house at the museum, we didn't actually work on the house but in areas surrounding the house. This museum is nice because it shows how a farm worked in the late 1800's and they still run it that way (but it's not actually a working farm).

At the Meusem our group helped with the gardening, we were pulling weeds, planting flowers, and triming bushes.

 Along with gardening we also helped fix up the main enterance and chicken coop. That included taring down a plastic roof, ripping down and replacing new siding, and adding gutters.

The boys loading up the rotten siding and plastic roof to take down to the dump.

Keenan and Mike replaceing the siding

 Allie, Drew and Kain preparing the way for the new gutters...Allie is a hard working 14 year old girl!

                              Kara scrapping off the paint getting it ready for paiting on day 2!

                                                  Getting rid of termite rotted out wood.

                                            Jarke cutting the new siding to go on the buildings

                                    Father and son working together to help fix the building

Putting up the gutters

Josh learning how to ground the corn to feed the chickens

The girls after day 1

We are called to be his hands and feet


The Cherrys' said...

Great job guys!!! Looks like some serious helping out and work.
Love the cross creative!

Unknown said...

We did this at our church today, too! It is called In and Out Sunday and our small group did a car wash at an abandoned gas station in downtown. We washed 45 cars for free and invited them to lunch and prayed for anyone willing to pray. It was SO fun! Love seeing that your church does this , too!