Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Ok so I am a little bit Twilight obsessed and I saw the movie opening night at midnight. I know I am crazy. Not only did I see the movie at midnight but I also got there early to watch Twilight in the theater at 9 pm. It was nice to see both movies back to back and see how much better new moon is than twilight. For new moon they got a new director and I think that they really worked on the acting and building up the characters. I highly recommend the movie it was awesome and incase you are wondering I switched teams. Team Jacob all the way...he looks so much better than Edward. To me Rob Pattinson (Edward) is not the perfect actor for the job, not that I could say who should be...In the book I was team Edward I loved him in the books, but in the movie so far Jacob is so much better. They really played his character well and developed his and Bella's relationship. While we were there opening night we all dressed up and got some fun pictures before hand. I was Rosalie, Elizabeth was Alice, Natalie was Edward in the sunlight, and my couin Miranda was pregnant Bella.

Liz, Miranda, and Me. Miranda's shirt says
"Edward is the Daddy."

Me and Natalie, you can't really see it,
but she put rinstones all over her face.

Rosalie and Alice (sisters)
P.S. I did just go and see it on Tuesday night with my mom because it was so awesome...who knows when it gets to the dollar theater I may go and see it again :)...totally worth it!

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