For Ashlyn's birthday, my creative side came out...
I made Ashlyn a prayer book, I had seen this on another friends blog and I thought it was so cute that I had to make one for Ashlyn. When Drew and I have kids they will all get one as well.
To make these all you need is scrapbook paper, sticker letters, and Velcro, I used a laminator from work (but an individual one is not to pricy so I may get one eventually). I tied mine together with string, but you could take it to Kinko's and get it bound.

Inside the book you put pictures of friends and family that the child knows and laminate them so that they are sturdy.

Each night you pick three people from the book that you want to pray for and but them on the heart.

After all three people are selected you sing this little prayer and then say a small prayer for each person that was selected.

I also made Ashlyn two pillowcase dresses and they turned out so cute.
I have seen these pillowcase dresses around and thought, "hey I could make that!" So with the help of my mom I did! After making two with her, I think I am ready to venture out and make them by myself! I am even considering selling them...Let me know if your interested!

I had to make her a cute Aggie dress for football season...I can't wait to get a picture of her in it!